How To

So glad you've decided to check this page out:-) Here are the most simplifed directions I can give.

Goal - Memorize two scriptures a month beginning the 1st and 15th every month.

Step one - Get yourself a spiral bound index card book. This is where you will keep track of your verses. Keep this on your person as much as possible so you can review it lots.

Step two - On the 1st & 15th come back to this blog and click on the appropriate dated link on the right hand side of the page. Add your comment, which should be your name, age range 30's, 40's, 50's, etc..,your city and state and underneath type out your verse and reference that you have chosen to memorize. This is all that needs to be written. This is meant to be a simple process of sharing your verse for accountability, that's all.

How to choose your scripture...let your life choose it for you. Is there something you need to work on, something specific going on in your life, a special attribute of Gods you want to focus on? Well then, that's how you find your verse. Wherever God leads you, go there.

Step three - RENEW

Beth Moore has broken this process down in a fantastic way that is easy to memorize. You might want to write this on the front cover of your index card book.

R - Read It. This is simple, read your verse. Read it out loud, speak His word boldly.

E - Examine It. What does it say? Who is it speaking to? What does it mean? Meditate on it, let it sink in. If you feel led, dig a little deeper. Look up a commentary or a do a word study, but more importantly than that, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal it to you. Allow Him to open your heart and eyes.

N - Need It. Why did you pick this verse? Hopefully it's because you need it. If not, find a desire to need this scripture in your life. It makes it much easier to memorize a verse that speaks to you personally.

E - Echo It. Read it, and repeat it, read it and repeat it, read it and repeat it. Begin the memorization process of it. This can take place in the car, over a sink, blow drying your hair, you get the picture, just read it and repeat it...outloud.

W - Wield It. Ooh this is a powerful one. There is no point in memorizing scripture we're not going to be willing to use. Scripture is our sword. We are in a spiritual battle on this earth and keeping our swords in their sheaths is pointless. The Word is the most powerful weapon there is and we would be foolish if we weren't using it.

So there you have it girls. You know all the instructions and now it's decision time. Are you in? Are you willing to give God's Word an opportunity to do exactly what He designed it to do? This is a commitment and if you're not willing to make it right now, that's fine, maybe you can decide to later. But, here are a couple reasons that you may not be commiting right now that you may want to reconsider. 1. You don't have time...yes you do. If we have time to say all the negative things to ourselves during a day then we have the time to replace them with truth. 2. You're not good at memorization. So what, neither am I! This is not a club you will be kicked out of. Commit to doing your best. At the very least you will walk away with a greater understanding of the scripture and a wonderful paraphrase of it's content.

Enjoy this journey, open your hearts and minds for renewal and don't beat yourself up over this process. We're not seeking perfection, we're seeking freedom! Let's begin this process together and meet a year from now for our own time of celebration and sharing. Details to be announced! In the mean time be blessed my friends!!

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